Thursday, June 13, 2013

Days 3-5: Getting Easier

If I thought day one and two were rough, I had no clue what day three would be like!!  I am convinced that my body was trying to break out of itself from a lack of junk food and caffeine.  My headache started as soon as I woke up in the morning and by lunch I wanted to drill a hole in my skull to release the pressure.  Advil did nothing.  Cold compresses did nothing.  And my kids sure weren't helping either with all their screaming and jumping and fighting and craziness.  Rough day, but I mad it 90% raw!  The evening of day three we went to a local baseball park and they were handing out free Chick-Fil-A sandwiches.  Can you say temptation?  I didn't even get one for myself, but when the kids and I sat down so they could eat I think the devil knew I was at a week spot and my toddler refused to eat hers.  I couldn't just let a perfectly good sandwich go to waste, could I?  I mean, an innocent little chicken suffered and DIED for that sandwich.  Shouldn't his/her suffering at least not have been in vain?  (Oh, the things we tell ourselves to justify our actions!!).  So I took a bite.  And you know what?  It didn't even taste all that great.  I was imagining this juicy, greesy, wonderful deliciousness and it was just chicken.  Nothing special.  I didn't even eat all her sandwich - just that bite of chicken and her pickles.  The rest ended up getting wasted afterall. 

Honestly, I think that moment was a turning point for me.  Where things started to go the right direction.  It was the moment I realized I didn't *need* food like that.  In fact, I didn't even WANT food like that.  I'm done with the junk and the unhealthy.  I'm done feeling sick and tired.  More than junk food, I want my life back! 

After that, day four seemed like a breeze. I spent more time than I'll admit on the computer stalking Pinterest for some new raw recipes to try.  I snacked happily on apples and fresh juicy peaches.  And for dinner I tried out one of those new recipes - Raw Pad Thai with Raw sushi.  The pad thai was made with zucchini noodles and some veggies (Find the recipe here:  Sushi was made with cauliflower "rice", carrots, avocado, cucumbers, and red peppers in the seaweed wraps.  My four year old DEVOURED the sushi.  He was upset that there wasn't more.  After dinner I also tried out some raw banana ice cream.  Basically you freeze some banana slices and then blend them up with a pinch of cocoa powder.  My toddler loved it, but I was less than thrilled.  I think I need to play around with it a little bit and I don't think my current blender is strong enough.  What I need is a new food processor. 

Which brings me to today, day five.  It's been a great day today!  I feel wonderful.  I woke up before the kids.  I had the house cleaned by 10am (that NEVER happens).  I didn't have my afternoon crash.  I had a delicious lunch - veggies and leftover walnut taco meat wrapped in a collard green leaf.  Before today, the only collard greens I'd ever eaten are the ones my southern Mother-in-law makes drenched with some vinegar.  I think I like the raw wrap version much better.  To reward myself of five days raw (okay, well 95% raw those five days at least!)  I'm going on a shopping spree this afternoon.  If I'm going to be successful with this and at least continue somewhat past my 30 day challenge, I'm going to need some new equipment.  So I have permission to go find a new food processor and a spiral veggie slicer!  I'm counting down the minutes until the kids wake up from nap to go shopping and pull those bad boys out to make dinner!  Tonight's menu is going to include a raw stir-fry using parsnips for rice (Recipe here: and I think I'm going to try out a recipe for raw brownies for desert (Recipe here: 

My mouth is watering for chocolate brownies!  Wake up kiddos, momma needs to shop! 

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